Friday, November 1, 2013

What a week!

This week was packed full of stuff!

Bodie turned 9 months! I wrote a letter to him that I will share soon :)

9 month pediatrician visit. He weighs 20 lbs 8 oz which is in the 50th percentile. And his height is 28 3/4 inches which is in the 75th percentile. He is getting taller and leaner! He is hitting all his milestones and even impressed the doc with his talking. Growing so strong!

Then Bodie had another doctor appointment with a pediatric allergy specialist. Since Bo was 4 weeks old, I have not consumed any eggs or dairy because he was having rashes on his body and mucous diapers. It was discovered through a heel prick test that he was reacting to dairy and eggs. So those went out the window! However, it is most likely something he will eventually outgrow. I added in eggs a few weeks back and the same thing started to happen so my ped advised getting him tested again. Poor sweet boy underwent a skin prick test to reveal reaction to soy, egg whites and slight reaction to wheat.. Oh boy! He will get retested in a year in hopes he has outgrown anything. In the meantime, no soy or egg whites (He can do yolks) and it was advised to keep wheat out until he retested. We have yet to introduce grains so we are not sure exactly how he will react yet.

In good spirits!

The bottles of allergens that were placed on his skin

He was such a trooper and didn't fuss once!

Waiting for results...

Then of course, there was Halloween this week! I had so much fun dressing him up and taking pictures. We went to our Crunchy Parents Halloween Party and it was so cute seeing all our friends dressed up. We didn't end up trick or treating because Little Man is teething and he was grumpy pants so we stayed in and helped hand out candy. But he thought it was so fun to look out the window at all the kids. We had about 60 kids come by our house!

Digging through the stash we were handing out.

And last but not least. Here is what happens when Daddy leaves a full cup of coffee on the living room ottoman. Some stinker found it and dumped it all over. Lesson learned for daddy!

Enjoy your weekend! It's going to be lovely around here!

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