Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dear Bodie- 10 months

Dear Bodie,

You just turned 10 months old! Wow. Why am I so stunned as each month passes by? It just seems like it flies by and you are developing at an astounding rate! Slow down little man! You had a lot of action this past month with lots of new learning and playing.

The best and most fun part of this past month was watching you learn how to throw a ball. You make the cutest noise when you throw the ball and you get sooo excited! You will even throw the ball, crawl to get it, throw it again, crawl to get it and repeat this all over the house. It is sooo fun to watch! Of course, the throwing doesn't stop with a ball either! You love to take daddy's glasses off and throw them. For some reason, you just don't think he needs them. Thankfully, no food throwing yet. But you do like to throw your sippy cup. And it's such a gentle toss, not really throwing it very hard. I love this new discovery.

We started a new class this month at Treehouse Discovery called KinderMusic. You absolutely THRIVE in this class! You keep right up with the older kids and love getting in on the action. Music is something you have always taken too and this class has been something that I think will lead into a passion of yours. You love banging on the drums, shaking the bells, playing with flashlights in the dark, listening to choo choo trains make noises, and dancing around the room. And of course, there is a time where you get to play with balls. I even found you sneaking off to play with a hidden ball the teacher forget the pick up. Silly boy.

You have continued to love going potty in your special potty. You are pretty consistent with going after you wake up from your nap- and you even go poopy in there! I am one proud mama!

You have now discovered how to climb the stairs. One morning as I was cooking breakfast and daddy was in the other room we discovered you were not in the room anymore. Daddy found you half way up the stairs and you had no intention of stopping. Goof ball. We finally came to terms that we needed to put baby gates around the stairs.

My little man, you have the best personality a mama could ask for. You are silly all the time and make us laugh sooo much. You learned how to blow raspberries on mommy's tummy and now you like to wake us up by blowing raspberries on our arms. I can't think of a better way to wake up! You giggle and laugh all day too. You are one chill baby that's for sure!

We have had some great adventures this month and you got to celebrate your first Thanksgiving! We had lunch over at Grandma and Grandpa Woodward's house. You had just cut your 6th tooth the night before so you were not too into eating, but it was fun to see your cousins, Tristan and Brenden.

Grandpa Woodward is just as silly as me!

Grandma Woodward

You love dance parties in the kitchen! Especially in the morning when daddy is making his coffee and I am finishing cleaning up breakfast. We just dance around the kitchen being all goofy. You LOVE to dance!

Your favorite perch in mommy's office
We are heading into my favorite time of the year- Christmas! I have some awesome stuff planned for your first Christmas! I feel like a kid again myself :) See what you do to mommy!