Thursday, November 14, 2013

Catching up

Phew! It has been a while since I last posted. Life can just slip right by if you don't watch out!

Today is my birthday. I am now a ripe ol 31 years old. It is funny because when I was a child, I always thought of 31 as being such a mature age and a time where I was so secure in who I was. Yes, I am pretty secure in who I am, but I still feel so immature at times. Not what I really thought I would feel like at 31. I also thought I would be well into a full time career at this point, on top of having several kids by now. I never in a million years would have thought I would be a stay at home mom, and actually LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I enjoy my life so much and could not imagine working right now. I am very very lucky that Andrew has such a good job that allows me to stay home. I have thought about part time work from home, but I just can't see myself devoting my time to that right now. Will I ever go back to work? Maybe. I won't say yes or no, but what I know right now is that my calling right now is to be "home" with Bodie (I put home in quotes because we are out and about on adventures A LOT). Both Andrew and I have prayed long and hard about this decision as well and I was worried that I would not find fulfillment in it. But when you follow God's calling, everything falls into place. I have nothing but peace around this, which is something that I strived for for so long. Lo and behind, my peace is found in the area I thought I could never do. Trust God.

Bodie helped rake some leaves this week which he just adored doing. I mean, who doesn't love the leaves!

Last week we joined KinderMusic and we have now gone to 2 classes. Bodie absoluely LOVES it and thrives with music. He has such a good beat with sounds. You can whistle and he will start moving his body. I foresee early music lessons!

Playing after KinderMusic
For my birthday, Andrew bought me a food dehydrator that I have been wanting for a while now. I can't wait to start drying my own fruit, make jerky, yogurt, and veggie chips. This week I tested it with apples and bananas and I am SOO excited about them!

Out of nowhere, Bodie learned how to blow raspberries on our tummies. I guess he is getting back at us for all the times we blew on his tummy! The best part is that he will sit there forever blowing on my stomach, then looking up and laughing, then doing it all over again. He is soooo silly!

For some reason, this is ALWAYS how Bo falls asleep in my arms. It must be a comfort thing for him

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