Monday, October 28, 2013

Our fertility journey

*WARNING! Long post with possible over sharing :)

I have received several emails and messages over the past few months asking how I got pregnant with Bodie. It is no secret, at least to many, that I struggled to get pregnant and endured infertility. I have not gone into very much detail about that journey and how exactly I was able to conceive, so I thought I would share my story to give hope to others who are struggling to conceive. Let me first start by saying, it was the best decision of my entire life to take the route I did. My miracle baby is more than I could have ever imagined! I know that fertility treatments may be controversial for some, so if you don't agree with it or will have negative things to say please stop reading now. Thank you!

Our journey started almost right after we got married in Sept of 2010. I knew it might take some time to get pregnant because my cycles were far from regular, in fact they were non existent. You can't get pregnant without a cycle! So in Decemeber 2010 I saw my OB in hopes that we could figure out why I was not cycling. We did blood work and it confirmed that my hormones were basically shut off. No communication was being sent from my brain to my ovaries telling them to release the needed hormones. My OB basically told me that in order to get pregnant, I would need help. I was referred to a fertility specialist called a Reproductive Endocrinologist. We wound up seeing an incredible doctor at Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM) where many women from around the world fly in to get treated (celebrities have even braced their presence many times there). I lived a short 10 min from the world renowned fertility center, so I felt lucky to have this resource! I saw Dr. S and he did a complete blood work up along with other testing. It was found that I had Hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). Basically what my OB told me but now it had a name.

How did I get HA? In short, it stemmed from my eating disorder and many years of running without properly fueling my body. When you don't consume what you need, the first to shut down in your body to conserve energy is your reproduction. I was still at a fairly low weight at this point, but I was never advised to gain weight. However, I found a great online community that had MANY success stories from women who overcame their HA battle and were able to conceive. The trick that helped? Gaining weight. So even though the doc didn't mention I needed to gain, I went on a mission to do so.

Summer of 2011- I had gained 10 pounds and went on a protocol to start pumping hormones back into my body to prep it for a possible pregnancy. I cycled with estrogen and progesterone for 3 months before I was allowed to try fertility meds to get pregnant. I got through those 3 months and was ready to try the meds! I was elated and popped my first pills of Clomid with excitement. Then I found out I didn't respond to the meds and my ovaries were still very quiet. Defeated.

Instead of trying oral meds for several cycles and wasting money and time, Dr. S suggested we break out the big guns and go with injectable hormones. Whoa. Are we ready for this? I was just about to start student teaching and was not sure it would be the best timing, but after much discussion we realized it can still take a couple cycles for the meds to work. So we went for it.

August 2011-My protocol included injecting LH/FSH hormones through a medication called Menopur. To do this, I had to give myself a shot with a tiny needle every evening until I produced several mature follicles. This could be anywhere from 3-20 days. I believe it took me 10 days of injecting Menopur for it to work and my body responded nicely with several follicles (follicles are where the eggs are contained until ovulation). I had to go in every other day to get my blood work checked and have an ultrasound, however, to make sure I was not OVERstimulating and end up with tons of eggs- we didn't want to be the next Octomom! I was close to overstimming, but we backed off on meds and only had 2 mature follicles ready to ovulate. Now we had to get my body to ovulate these eggs so I had to inject HcG (yes, the pregnancy hormone) to tell my body to release the egg. After this was done, you just sit back and wait for 2 weeks to see if 1. the egg is even fertilized and 2. if it implants into the uterus. Lots of factors to achieve a pregnancy!! Unfortunately I did not get pregnant :(

September- December 2011- We did this protocol for 4 more cycles, one of which ended in an early miscarriage. During this time, we went through a roller coaster of emotions. Excitement at the start of each cycle in hopes we will get pregnant. Then feeling deflated and despair as each cycle failed. It was taking a toll on my body as well because the hormones were causing unwanted side effects and we all know excessive female hormones are not fun! All this during my student teaching as well so no shortage of stress there! By the time Christmas rolled around we needed a break. I just graduated with my Masters in Elementary Education and wanted to enjoy the Holidays without the stress of trying to get pregnant. I also decided to gain more weight in hopes it would help and I really watched my exercise. While we were on our "break", I actually had my first natural cycle! I ovulated on my own, with no meds! I was told I would never achieve a natural cycle.

January 2012 However, the excitement of a natural cycle was short lived as I did not have a normal cycle the next month, January, or in February so it was a one time deal. After this needed break, we decided to re-evaluate with Dr. S and start trying with meds again.

March 2012- We were both ready! This time we decided to combine oral meds with injectable meds. Dr. S suggested we take a safer med with less side effects than Clomid so we opted for Femara. We combined this med with Menopur and I had a very nice response. And I got a positive pregnancy test from it!! However, I started to miscarry almost immediately and my Hcg levels dropped. We were crushed and ready to give up. I told Andrew that I could only take one more medicated round then we need to take a serious break. It was taking a toll on us physically and emotionally. I also decided to devote myself to serious prayer where I spent A LOT of time meditating and praying for God's Will be done and asked for his timing, not mine and to give me peace around it.

April/May 2012- We proceeded with the same protocol- Femara oral meds and Menopur injectables. I responded with only one follicle, already a blow because your chances of conceiving go up the more mature follicles you have. We triggered ovulation and the nurse told me that she was not very hopeful this cycle would work and said better luck next time. Thanks lady. Not something you tell a women who has been through the ringer trying to get pregnant. This was our 7th medicated cycle and we were beat. Neither Andrew and I felt hopeful either so we already chocked this cycle out the window. We continued to pray for God's guidance. The two week you have to wait to find out if you are pregnant are the longest 2 weeks EVER! Mothers day landed in this 2 week wait, and I remember sitting in church on the verge of tears when my pastor asked all the mothers to stand. I felt soooo deflated and angry and sad and soooo many other emotions. Then the day progressed and I felt a sharp cramp in my uterus. Great. My period is about to start. Another failed cycle. I started bleeding a bit that afternoon and we headed over to my mom's house for dinner. I was in a very down mood, but for some reason I had this weird feeling that something was up. The next day my appetite was ravenous, but I was too scared to test. By this point I should have had a full blown period if I spotted the day before. Then Tuesday came, and more spotting. I decided to take a chance a test.

I can't even describe the feelings I had when that second line popped up! Hubby was still sleeping...and you better believe I ran into bed and jumped on him! I"M PREGNANT! I called Dr. S (oh wait, I called a dear friend Ms. Jaclyn first!) right away so I could get a blood test which came back with a healthy Hcg number and my progesterone was in the 60's so I knew this was different. I was completely scared out of my mind for the next few weeks until we were able to hear the heart beat and see that tiny flicker on the screen. That was the beginning of the the most amazing journey I have ever been on! And that my dear friends, is how Bodie came to be :) By the way, that cramping I had on Mothers Day was most likely the fertilized egg implanting into my uterus- the very day I though I would never become a mother was in fact the day I did. How is that for awesome!

9 months later (January 29, 2013 to be exact!) we enjoyed this -

Wow! I had so much fun re-living that journey and remembering the leap of faith we took at the end and finally surrendering to God. I have noticed a theme in my life- whenever I finally FULLY surrender to God and give up the control is when I find peace and prayers are answered. Hopefully giving Bodie a brother or sister won't be AS difficult, but I am prepared to battle again! How is my cycle now? My body has already geared up several times for cycling but since I am still breast feeding a normal cycle may not return until I stop. But the gearing up is a good step in the right direction.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Continuting to build a nutritional foundation

Well I went there. I fed my son sardines. There is not a single food that Bodie will not eat. Not. One. Single. Thing. I thought sardines might be it. Nope. He ate them like candy...then begged for more. Little did I know going into this what nutritional powerhouses they are!

Here is why they are superior to a lot of other healthy foods. They pack a lot bang for you buck in one little can.

  • More calcium and phosphorus than milk.
  • More Iron than spinach.
  • More potassium than coconut water or bananas.
  • As much protein as steak.
  • Great source of EPA and DHA Omega 3's
  • Super source of B12, Vit D3 and selenium
WHOA! Why aren't these promoted more often for growing babies!?! Or even adults!
 *Make sure you remove the tiny bones before feeding a baby.

Need I say more......

One word of caution...your baby WILL smell like fish the rest of the day. You've been warned ;)

Bo gets serious about his food. Look at this face as he eats meatballs and zucchini noodles-

Don't mess with my food!

I also wanted to update on our sleeping situation. Bodster has been sleeping GREAT with our new side of the bed contraption. He needs mama close still and he will reach out at night just to feel me. If he can touch me, he doesn't wake or will fall asleep pretty quickly. I have to admit, I love (ok, need) him there next to me just as much :) Of course we still have to rock and nurse to sleep for naps, but that is my most favorite time of the day. Especially because my little sweet boy falls asleep with his hand half way down my shirt. Love his little quirks!

It is a GORGEOUS weekend here in good ol Parker, Colorado so we have enjoyed some walks and found more fun in the leaves in our yard. After church tomorrow we get to celebrate one of our good friends birthdays as well as his little boys first birthday! How exciting!! Love that family :)

Make it a great weekend! God is GOOD!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sometimes you just need a little sleep...

Nap time in his crib
I am learning something here. Sleep is amazing. Yes, I can go several nights of multiple wake ups and sleepless nights, but those catch up fast! We just had a lovely sleep last night and we all feel anew this morning. Before having Bodie, I needed 8-9 hours of sleep and if I got even 7 hours, I felt sick the next day and walked around like a zombie. Even while I was pregnant, I never had any issues sleeping. The night before I gave birth, I slept an amazing 9 hours. And that was the last time that happened! Almost 9 months later and the sleep department is still lacking (with some good nights mixed in to refresh me thankfully)

Bodster has never been a great sleeper. From day one he woke every 2-3 hours at night and was fairly fussy for the first 6 weeks. Then we discovered he was having reactions to eggs and dairy so I took those out of my diet. Within a few days, he was sleeping better and he was generally a happy boy. Then the 4 month sleep regression hit. He wanted to nurse every 2 hours at night still at this point. Which equals little sleep. Then his bottom teeth popped through at 5 months. Again, total disrusption to any sleep- both naps and night time. His naps were terrible at this point. Only napping 30 min in the morning, MAYBE 45 min in the afternoon and a snooze around dinner time. I thought I was doing something wrong. I felt like a complete failure as a mom. I am totally against letting a baby cry it out, so that was not an option I even slightly entertained.

Here are some reason why I don't cry it out-
Danger of crying it out

In short, letting your baby cry for any length of time releases the stress hormone cortisol into your baby. This is not good for ANYONE, let alone a growing baby. But the biggest factor for me is that when your baby cries, and you don't respond, they feel abandoned. When they feel abandoned, they learn to distrust that you will provide for them. This abandonment WILL come out to play later in life. So why do so many CIO babies sleep through the night? Because they eventually learn that crying provides no comfort so what's the use. Yes they may sleep through the night, but they also learn that their needs are not being met.

I regressed, sorry! I don't want to go on a tangent about crying it out right now :) So after feeling like a failure to my son, I started to do some research and found that it is TOTALLY NORMAL for babies to wake several times a night. My husband was right all along, our baby is normal!! More research provided that we, as a society, have this stigma that babies need to sleep 10-12 hours without ever waking, which is actually NOT the norm. Yes, they need that amount of sleep every night, but it is usually broken up with several wake ups throughout the night. After chatting with Andrew at length, we decided to stop stressing about getting Bodie to sleep through the night, and instead focus on what his needs were when he woke up. If I met his needs, he went right back to sleep. We finally got to a place where he was going 7-8 hours without a wake up and we were feeling better! Then he started teething again, all the went out the window! But instead of worrying that he was some abnormal baby or that something was wrong, I went with it (for the most part lol) and comforted him throughout the night as much as I could. And I have to give major praises to my hubby for helping through this as well. He spent some nights up with Bodie so I could finally catch some zzzz's A sleep deprived mommy is not good! Some nights Bodster was sleeping in our arms, others it meant nursing every few hours again. I knew this would pass. Of course the sleepless nights took its toll and we were again sleep deprived, but Bo would be so gracious and give us a couple nights here and there that refreshed us.

Sound asleep in his new side-carred co-sleeper

Just as we were getting back into a good routine, the 9 month sleep regression hit (read about it here) and his needs arenow amped up again. He was sleeping in a pack n play (think small portable crib) beside our bed, but that was not working as he was waking every hour so we brought him back in bed with us. This time however, we attached a co-sleeper on the side of the bed so he still has "his space" and we have ours (SOOO grateful to a lovely friend for lending it to us!)
But when he wakes and needs some comfort, I am there with open arms. I love having him so close to me. When he is near, he doesn't cry out. That indicates to me that we are creating a healthy attachment and he trusts that I will be there to meet his needs. And that makes this ALLL worth it!

Aside from sleep, what else have we been up to?!

Security blanket while mama is out and about
Getting in some park time while the weather is nice!

Now we are REALLY helping out!

Shopping at Michael's Craft store, Always a big hit!

Very fun story time with our friends!

My best friend, Liam. I am already bigger than him and he is 3 months older!

Sharing a dried mango with daddy, Lady in the Tramp style :)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

First snow....and first potty!

View from our back porch. Amazing
We had our first dusting of snow yesterday. It was so lovely to wake up to and it brought back memories of when Bodie was super tiny and we would snuggle indoors as we watched the snow fall. Bodie was born during a snowstorm but now he can actually SEE it and of course, observe it (since that is what he does best!)

We went for a lovely walk in the newly chilled air, and it felt SO refreshing. Bodster was singing along the entire time so I am sure he thoroughly enjoyed it!

It was VERY sunny!

Gosh I love when he looks into my eyes. MELT!

On our recent trip to Ikea, we bought a couple potty's to place around the house so little man can get used to seeing them and sitting on them occasionally. He is very interested in the big potty so we thought it would be fun for him to have his own potty. Just for fun, I placed him on the potty after his nap yesterday and HE ACTUALLY WENT! He was so excited too. I will spare you the picture of the actual pee in the potty, but I will repost the fun pic of Bo sitting on it.

PS we are not pushing him to be potty trained, we just want  him to have HIS potty and it is never to early to introduce him to it :)

After that excitement, we headed to our usual Friday hangout- Treehouse Discovery! We met some friends there where we found our love for going down the slide! We had so much fun that I forget to take pictures :(

On tap this weekend- pumpkin patch and BRONCOS game! What are you all up to this lovely weekend?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Changes since I became a mom

I remember when I was pregnant I would envision what it would be like to be a mommy. All the laughter, long naps, cuddles and goodnight stories. I knew it would be tough in the beginning with sleepless nights and marathon nursing sessions. And those most definitely happened! But I did not know just exactly what I was in for....especially with the changes within me personally.

The biggest change is learning to go with the flow. No two days are alike, so a routine girl like me who likes to have a set schedule has had to learned to let go and let it be. It was difficult at first. I would get into a routine, then Bodie would shake it up, or he would grow out of it. Like napping and eating, some days he has long naps, some days he has super short naps. I can't plan on getting too much done during nap time because it can go either way. I have TRIED to let go of having the house clean and orderly all the time. There are just some days where I get nothing done because all my attention is on Bodie or we are on play dates. I was never a spur of the moment person either. Everything was always planned out in advance. I am still working on this one, but I am learning to be OK with spur of the moment outings and a complete change of plans is not unheard of! Having to adjust to this was hard, but I don't get anxious about not having a routine anymore. Instead, I wake up and ask God to guide our day and to help me move through any changes with grace and ease.

One the of the BIGGEST changes is my relationship with diet and exercise. A few years ago I was a stickler for having a perfect diet (even having an eating disorder when I was 24) and getting in a run or a trip to the gym every day. Thankfully I gave up that addiction long before I got pregnant but I still went to the gym fairly regularly when I was pregnant. Once Bodie was born, ALL my attention was on him, yet I yearned to get in the gym. I tried to carve out time in the mornings and Andrew was so gracious to watch Bodie while I went, but I quickly learned that it was not a priority for me anymore. My priority was being a mom and that I could get back into exercise down the road IF I so desired. Instead, I took walks with Bodie or did some quick exercises at home. That need and drive to get in a workout everyday has completely dissipated. I have no exercise routine AT ALL. I don't feel guilty if I don't work out anymore, quite a change from my old days. But don't get me wrong. I still get those urges that I NEED to look a certain way because society says so. Or that you are not a good mom unless you are a super mom who can exercise AND cook meals AND have a spotless house AND raise a super amazing boy. I refuse to push myself because my body is still telling me that it needs to heal.

My eating has completely changed as well, but I think I will write on this subject in a different post. A dear friend of mine as inspired me to open up about my eating disorder and how I have completely changed my eating habits and relationship with food. My son really has been a blessing in SO many ways. God is doing a good work in me through him!

How have I managed to get through some of these major changes? Prayer. God has carried me through the entire road. If I didn't have prayer I would be a mess. When I feel temptation to give up, I turn to God and I get an instant release and peaceful feeling. Just yesterday I was having an anxious day and I turned to God, that anxious feeling lifted and I was able to move forward. I let go and let God. And my amazing husband has been there to help through as well :) lighten the is a recap of our week through pictures....
Strolling through the neighborhood with mama

Well Kitty, if you decide to sit with my toys, you WILL be played with :)

Fall in our backyard

Enjoying the changing seasons in our backyard

LOVES the dishwasher. This is how I get dinner cooked :)

Exploring a fun hideaway. Just look at those CUTE calves!

At friends for a playdate. Bo has discovered a love for trains

Trying to find teething relief with an apple. Not sure its working?!

Mama bought me my own potty because I was so interested in the big potty. Trying it out for size :)

More exploring in the house!

Typical Sunday with dad. We LOVE Sundays

My view as we read our goodnight story. Bo Loves to turn the pages read along. Such a curious boy :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013


My boy LOVES to eat. And I mean EAT! He has not refused a single thing I have offered him and he enjoys sitting and eating with us as we eat our dinner as well. I want to give an insight on what, why and how I feed this growing little man of mine. The only downside right now is that he cannot have eggs, so I have to get created with baked goods and other breakfast proteins. He getting retested for allergies in December so we will know if eggs are a go. I tried reintroducing them but he started to get a rash so I quickly nixed that for now. Bummer because we love eggs around here!

I have a followed a feeding method called Baby Led Weaning which basically allows the baby to start on solid foods from the start, completely feeding themselves. No purees or spoon feeding, although I have done smoothies and we use puree pouches for on the good snacks. Bodie took to this method like a champ and has been a super star eater ever since!

I get asked a lot about WHAT I feed him and why. First of all, I have not introduced any grains yet- no rice, wheat, oats, etc. There is a reason to this madness ;) This is a great article as to why infant cereals are not ideal. Why ditch infant cereals
For the most part, babies lack the enzyme to digest grains until a year old. Because of this, many babies will experience digestive upset, gas, bloating and constipation. At 6 months of age, babies can most easily digest proteins and cooked vegetables. And with the vegetables, a healthy fat can be added to aid in nutrient absorption (butter, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil or animal fats). Meat provides a lot of nutrients that are very essential for brain growth.
Chicken right off the bone and zucchini noodles with marinara 

I also have followed this book somewhat, which provides great examples of nutritious first foods and beyond.

Turkey meat loaf with liver added

If you leave ANY food on the ground, even at a friends house, Bo WILL find it and eat it!
Staying hydrated is equally important, but I stay far away from fruit juices. Instead, coconut water provides good electrolytes and hydration. His main drink of choice remains breast milk or water :)
YUM! Coconut water
A fun list of everything Bo has tried, and of course LOVED! It has been fun developing a fresh palate :)
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Berries of all kinds
  • Liver (yup, he loved it)
  • Grass fed beef
  • Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow squash
  • Marinara
  • Lentils
  • kale
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Watermelon
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber 
  • Beets
  • Coconut
  • Pumpkin
  • Peas
  • Parsnip
  • Tomatoes
  • Melons
    • And I am sure I missing some foods, but this is the basis of his diet at a ripe age of 8 months!
Spaghetti squash with marinara, carrots and shredded beef. One of his favorite meals!