Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dear Bodie

Dear Bodie,

You just turned 9 months old! I can't believe how fast this year is flying by! And how quickly you are becoming more like a toddler. I have to admit, I have mixed emotions about how fast you are growing. I am a bit sad to see the infant stage pass, but the more interactive you become the more fun we all have! I am LOVING this stage! Can I keep you at this age for a little while before you grow again? :)

You are a crawling machine! In the morning, you love to make circles around the kitchen while I prepare breakfast. You are a speedy one now. Before I know it, you have lapped the kitchen island several times. You also have a ball finding all kinds of stuff on the floor- especially the smallest, tiniest pieces of food. I vacuum constantly but it is never enough for your little eyes to spot something golden. One time daddy dropped some coffee beans and missed one. Guess who found that lone coffee bean hidden in the corner? You of course! And guess who was a wild machine after sucking on a coffee bean for who knows how long before I discovered it? Yup, you :) You are so silly!

You have a new best friend. His name is Buddy and he lives with us. Buddy is your kitty cat friend and you have a hay day chasing him around the house. It is a good thing he is so laid back because you really like to play with him. You even tried feeding an apple to him while he slept, yet he didn't even open an eye. I have a feeling you two will be exploring a lot together! You have a special language for kitty cat too and when you see him you start talking in ways only Buddy understands. It is so fun to watch! He is teaching you to go up the stairs as well

You are a little social butterfly. One of your favorites outings is to the library for story time. You LOVE to be the center of attention so you will sit in the middle of the class and look around at all the beautiful faces. You love to crawl to all your new friends and give them "kisses" with your head. You do this fun thing with your head where you rub your forehead against someone and then open your mouth wide as your kiss. You give me these kisses several times a day and it just melts my heart! You also are not shy with other adults! You have no problem crawling right into another mamas lap! I hope no one seems to mind because you sure don't :)

Bodie, you continue to be mamas eating machine. There is still no food you do not like! And now you are loving to talk and scream during meal times and really exploring your voice. You love to tell me stories about how much you love your food. Some new things you tried this month are sardines, melon, smoked salmon, chicken sausages, pumpkin muffins, acorn squash, and grapefruit. You LOVE grapefruit! You also really like to drink from mama's water bottle so I might find a smaller version for you. It seems to be easier to drink from than all those baby sippies!

One of the cutest things you started to do this month is dance to music. I just can't get enough! You have some rhythm to ya! You do this thing where you bob your head back and forth and rock your hips front to back with the biggest smile added to your face. The best part was when I was watching you in the rear view mirror in the car and you were dancing to the music from the radio and then clapping at the same time. You LOVE to clap and I am learning that is your way of saying "yes" too. Your little quirks are just the best! Also while in the car, you like to talk and laugh at yourself. There is a mirror you can see yourself in and you play games with yourself, and sometimes with your feet as well.

Your daddy and I feel sooo blessed to have you in our lives. You are such special little guy and bring so much laughter to our everyday. You still sleep beside us and the best way to wake up in the morning is with a HUGE grin your face and your way of saying "good morning" is just a hoot. I can't think of a better way to wake up! We are starting to implement what we call "special time" with you. One of us with devote a small part of the day to just YOU! And this entails nothing but fun and playing whatever you want. No learning, no teaching, no redirecting. It is your special time to connect with mommy and daddy. I think daddy and I benefit more from it LOL

Here are some highlights of this month:
  • Lots of story time adventures with friends at several different libraries
  • Finally exploring more at Treehouse Discovery now that you can crawl
  • Several play dates with our Crunchy Parents group.
  • Halloween Party with our play group. You dressed up as an Alligator and soaked up the attention!
  • Met your new cousin, Macoy! You are only 9 month older than him!
  • Love to play music with anything that shakes and rattles. 
  • First trip to the pumpkin patch
  • You now take 2 consistent naps
  • You eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. 
  • Love to help daddy make coffee in the morning
  • You take showers with daddy every other day
  • Love to help put laundry into the dryer
  • You help with the dishes in the dishwasher
  • Discovered sand at the playground with grandma
  • Standing up on everything you can!
  • You still don't like your carseat 
  • You also don't like getting dressed or having your diaper changed
  • You LOVE to talk- yayaya, baahaha, mama, dada, and screaming is fun
  • Last but not least, mama and dada LOVE YOU TO PIECES!

You are the light of our life and the center of our world right now. Daddy does not like leaving for work and you will crawl to the front door after him when he leaves. Thankfully you are quickly distracted when kitty cat walks by. You are becoming more independent and find ways to play on your own, but only if mama is close by. You have also discoereved your comfort while nursing- putting your hand down mommy's shirt. You will fall fast asleep just like this-

Oh, and the most fascinating activity you have discovered- watching the toilet flush! You are so amused by it!

Well, Bodie, my sweet sweet boy, we have so many adventures and things to explore in the next month! I cannot wait to see what you have to show me! You are my side kick and I just adore having you in my life. Mommy and daddy love you!

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