Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fun times in the ER

Last Friday was one of the worst days I have felt in a long in terms of physical pain. MUCH worse than giving labor, which was P A I N F U L! I would give birth naturally all over again than experience what I felt last week. And now I know how incredibly difficult it is to take care of a baby when I feel like a train wreck.

It came out of nowhere. I was up with Bo at 1 am the night before, felt totally fine. I woke up at 5:30 am to go to the restroom and I could barely walk without my entire body hurting- joints, muscles, prickly skin and pounding head. Whoa. Where did this come from? I took my temp and it was 101.9 and I FELT it alright. I couldn't move from bed but hubby was heading to work so I had to get up for Bodie. I literally laid on the floor in our living room while B played next to me. I had to get going though because Mr. Man had a pediatrician appointment for his own dealings of the weak- off and on fever and not so fun diapers. Off we went. As we waited for Dr. R to come in, I just sat there thinking the room must be spinning. I tried my best to listen to what the Doc was saying, but stars were creeping into my eyes. "Dr. I think I am going to pass out!" Nothing like being taken care of by your son's pediatrician! He took Bodie and had me lay in a dark room, on a teeny tiny bed non the less! I finally felt better and they let me drive home.

The day progressed, my head felt like it was caving in, my skin was prickly feeling, every joint ached and if I moved I felt like I was going to throw up. The worst was rocking Bodie to sleep for his nap in his rocking chair. I think the motion aggravated everything because I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could after I put B in his bed. I finally called MY doctor and she had me come in ASAP.

I left B with a friend and very wearily drove to the doctor. I have no idea how I made it. When I got there my blood pressure was 85/45 and I was shaking. It was a waste of time though because she told me to get to the ER because of my high temp and raging head.

I couldn't drive so who do I call? My parents of course. Hubby was working over an hour away so there was no way to get there. I felt like a little girl again with my parents coming to take care of me. They drove me home and we waited for Hubby to get home before heading to the ER. The best part of this wait? Watching B giggle away with his grandma and grandpa. He was putting on quite the show!

Hubs is home, off to the ER. They run tests and all come back negative- flu, pneumonia etc. My body downs 2 bags of fluids and my head starts to clear. They suspected meningitis and suggested I get a spinal tap but that scares the CRAP out me (hence one of the reasons I didn't get an epidural!) so I opted to wait it out a couple hours to see how I felt. My fever went down and I had just a slight head ache, much improved from earlier. They said it was some nasty virus, but if my headache (ha! that is putting it lightly) came back then I was to get a spinal done ASAP. I was then cleared to go home.

On a side note, Bodie was a hit with all the nurses. He was SOO silly, which was strange because it was clearly passed his bed time. One of the nurses even asked to take him and all I could hear down the hall were giggles. Talk about laughter as medicine! Gosh I love that boy! Once the nurse brought him back he was clearly tired...and this is what I was left with.... (yes, I look terrible. It was a rough day and the camera light blinded me)


  1. awwwwww!!! That sounds so scary and like a rough night. I am not surprised that B was a hit with the nurses. In all of his videos, he appears to be quite the charmer! and you do NOT look rough (you couldn't if you tried, my dear). Love the blog!!!! Fun way to keep up with each other <3

  2. You're so sweet Jaclyn. I looked drugged up but I was only on Ibuprofen! Never want to relive that again. I am so excited to share our experiences in mommahood with each other! So fun :)
