Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Brighter Side

Now, I need to tell the OTHER side of my postpartum recovery, which made every single day of pain more than totally worth it. In my last  might have made it sound like this past year was full of glum and pain, but in the midst of all that, I had the best year of my life and I have never been happier! Bodie has been such a light in my life and I can't even imagine what life would be like without his quirkiness in it. I just love him to absolute pieces.

I have learned a lot from this little man, and God has graciously provided me with patience, understanding, tenderheartedness, and pure love for such an amazing little boy. I prayed for years for a baby of my own, and God did not disappoint! I am pretty sure it is mentioned every day by either Andrew or I how we are so blessed and lucky to have such a spirited, animated, and oh so loving boy. Everyday brings a new challenge, but the growth we learn from these challenges has been exponential. Bodie has taken me outside my comfort zone in more ways than I can count.I still think I learn more from him than he does from me :)

Through Bodie, I have learned how to laugh at the little things and not to sweat the small stuff. Really. When you look at the big picture of life, does a messy house or wearing yoga clothes day in and day out really matter? I don't think so (or I am just trying to convince myself that yoga clothes is still acceptable at a year postpartum lol). I have let go of a lot of my control issues of having a specific routine everyday. There were no two days a like that's for sure! I am a very routine gal, but having a baby will sure put a wrench in any planning you do for the day! And you know what, I am starting to enjoy the glow with the flow mentality. Though, I have to admit, I am a stickler for trying to maintain normalcy with nap and bedtime routines. Trying is the key word though. I owe it to Mister B to allow him the rest that he so deserves and more importantly, needs. And I am finding that he thrives when I stick to a time frame for naps and bedtime. I know some people think I am being anal with this, but it is area that I feel is important to his growth and emotional well being. Ok, enough of routine talk :)

The biggest, most important aspect of this year that I have learned- a love so deep that I did not know could exist. From day one, I was head over heels for this little man. I used to cry as I was rocking him to sleep in the early days because I felt so blessed. I wanted to shout it to the mountains how much I loved and adored him. I want only the best for him, and will do whatever it takes to do so. And if that means going against mainstream, conventional ideas, then so be it. If it means family or friends looking at me like I am some crazy hippy, so be it. I don't care one bit what others think about my parenting. I am doing what I feel is right for my son and I never just do things purely because it's the "norma". I do what do based on hours of research, reading, discussing with friends and most importantly, conversing with my husband what we see is best for our family. This is one area that I have greatly improved on. I used to want to feel fully accepted by family and friends, and in doing so, would conform to their ideas or change my views. Not any more. It is very freeing to actually live a life NOT based on what others think or approve of. A love so pure that you want the best and only the best will do this to you :)

I want to mainly express is that this past year was amazing, challenging, tiresome, exhausting, ever-changing and totally AWESOME!
Here is just a quick glance at why it was so awesome- month by month-

Day 1 of the most amazing adventure

1 month old.

Mister personality

Getting more of a spirited attitude :)

MOM! Not another picture please

The big O-N-E

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